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  1. VWbaja10


    Its hard to say cause i built one bike years ago but i think rear shock was like $80-$90, fork springs i think $90, 15w fluid $10-$15. Id say around $200 - $250ish. Also look into the cradle brace thats a definite need if youll be riding hard at all.
  2. VWbaja10


    Look for a rear shock. Dont waste your money on just the spring for the rear. Find a dnm rear shock. I think ive got mine from and i get the heavy spring and have zero issues. Been running it for years on both my bikes. For the front you can get away with bbr springs and fork legs...
  3. VWbaja10

    Crf50 has alot of good parts and for a decent price.
  4. VWbaja10


    For the stock 50 motor your best bet is to put the 70 carb on it. Find a rev box and that will help also. Youll need the throttle cable and housing for the swap also.
  5. VWbaja10

    District 37

    Cool good luck. I wont make it out i have friends in that class x9 and x166
  6. VWbaja10

    District 37

    What class are you in?
  7. VWbaja10

    LAB2V 2024

    I know a few people that have done it a few times.
  8. VWbaja10

    Coolest/Strangest thing you have come across in Wilderness

    At my races we are told you can move them off course. Just keep them in the same direction they were going, if they pee give them some water.
  9. VWbaja10

    Coolest/Strangest thing you have come across in Wilderness

    Racing in Johnson valley last year for checkers mc dual euro I came across a tortoise crossing the course, thought it was a rock moving uphill. I stopped so no one would run it over, then helped it continue in its way, was stuck in the single track. Ended up losing 3 positions but caught them...
  10. VWbaja10

    Anyone do vinyl fencing?

    Ive done vinyl fencing before but I’m not local to you. They are fairly easy to install.
  11. VWbaja10

    New years

    Wish I could make out to the truck haven side but I’ll be going to Ridgecrest with the motorcycle club
  12. VWbaja10

    District 37

    I missed out on course a due to my stator dieing on the way to the start. Got a loaner bike for Sundays course B and finished 9th overall and second in my class.
  13. VWbaja10

    District 37

    Finished out the desert series 3rd overall Scrambles 3rd overall and 1st in class
  14. VWbaja10

    Where’s all the moto dudes at?

    Picked up a 4zinger just recently, plans are to clean up the plastics, recover the seat, and install new factory stickers. Later I’ll go through the motor, just need to source parts for that. But she runs really well 🤘
  15. VWbaja10

    Tired of Land Closure and Trashed trails? How can you get involved?

    My dad is who you talked to from Corva back then. I was into the pre runner/race truck scene over the crawling so I always gave him that side to get people involved. I’ve always been onboard with what you do and glad to see the comeback. I’ve participated in jawbone moose Anderson days clean up...
  16. VWbaja10

    Where’s all the moto dudes at?

    Since the 450 is down for repairs decided to get some seat time in on the 70. Rode from cal city to randsburg and back , it was a good 60th miles.
  17. VWbaja10

    Tired of Land Closure and Trashed trails? How can you get involved?

    I’ve been involved in corva for 30+ years anytime I mentioned this stuff years ago nobody cared or listened.
  18. VWbaja10

    Where’s all the moto dudes at?

    Course B, was a good course kinda wish I had my bike for it though but made the best and had a good time on the ktm. Didn’t get to run course A as my stator died about 100yards from the bomb.
  19. VWbaja10

    Where’s all the moto dudes at?

    I’ll keep you updated. It’s a fun course and so are the other gp courses. I used to race the gp series on a quad a few years ago.
  20. VWbaja10

    Where’s all the moto dudes at?

    It’s a fun race, nothing challenging. Our club was just talking about racing it