Photography Chat


Apr 4, 2022
Thousand Oaks, CA
Any of you dudes into camera stuff? I've been shooting photos on and off with Canon gear for last 15 years or so.

Just picked up a new to me Sony A7SII. While I don't love it yet.. just not used to camera / settings. Wow, shooting in full auto just spraying a praying this thing produced some pretty nice shots.

The primary reason for looking into a newer 4k camera was for video.

Few shots from my first time out last weekend ( and yes the sensor/ lens is dirty)




What you shooting with?
Shot all last weekend on a Nikon Z06 Mk2. The spray and pray feature is great until you see you shot almost 2k photos in a weekend.
Ps, any idea what the max photo size is for uploads to the forum?
used to be big into photography on any trips. my camera is out of date so i feel my iphone may take better pictures now a days.
have a canon t1i from 2010 haha

Started off in a dark room in high school so lucky enough to have had that experience.
used to be big into photography on any trips. my camera is out of date so i feel my iphone may take better pictures now a days.
have a canon t1i from 2010 haha

Started off in a dark room in high school so lucky enough to have had that experience.

Yeah for sure the phones now are pretty crazy. It depends on what you are trying to do.

Dust that thing off! Get to shooting!

AHHH the film days.

Digital is obviously the wave of the future but there is something about it.. Having limited film and you have to know your shit otherwise, you are missing the shot. That appeals to me.

Thanks for reminding me I might dust off my old film camera this weekend haha. The downside is it's spendy to get developed.
I would like to get into some photography with action shots of mainly my friends but I wouldn’t even know where to start with cameras I can tell how a excavator works or a diesel but cameras I got no clue
I used to be super into landscape photography, Ive had a 5D mark II for almost 10 years now. Lent my L glass to a coworker who got fired and never saw it again lol.

I’ve been really wanting to get back into it lately, all the new camera technology is crazy.

Check out my old Flickr, things got millions of views :
Sony makes great cameras! I was seriously considering one before I pulled the trigger on my Canon R8, but yeah, Sony's menu is TERRIBLE lol. Full auto's always great, but aperture and shutter priority modes are probably what you want to get real comfy with considering the type of stuff you're shooting.

And ain't nothing wrong with phones one bit! I shot this on my Galaxy S8 that's 7 years old now at this point!

I had another video of when I was testing my truck for Jump Champs that I also took solely on my phone, but looks like it's MIA. Huh.
I would like to get into some photography with action shots of mainly my friends but I wouldn’t even know where to start with cameras I can tell how a excavator works or a diesel but cameras I got no clue
Shortest version I can give you lol:

DSLR - going extinct. Don't waste your time or money unless you find a great deal on some used stuff with lenses, etc.

Point and shoot - Great foot in the door, super easy to use, capable of 4k, small and compact. Not the fastest auto focus.

Mirrorless - The new kid on the block. Taking over in almost every way. Super fast auto focus. Compact for a full size camera.

Full Size Sensor vs APS-C sized sensor -
Full size = better at low light, better quality photos (only really worth considering if you plan to print BIG), wider angle, more expensive.
APS-C = Not as good at low light situations but still works well, more affordable, more cropped in (less wide angle)

Disposable Cameras - Still fucking awesome! CHEAP. I use them all the time. Great for parties, trips, fun all around. Take them to get developed at CVS or Wal Mart or whatever and enjoy flipping through photos with friends and family in a way cooler and more tangible way then on a phone. You'd be surprised how many smiles this brings out.

Rule Of Thumb - If you're smiling you're doing it right. Don't overthink it. Get and do what works for you.

Advice - Don't get sucked in on accessories. Spend your money on going out and USING your camera, not on things. A couple extra batteries is really all you need until you start learning what you want to improve or focus on.
All I’d be looking for is something I could use while my buddies drive past me or if I want to get a shot while in the passenger seat
I'd personally say point and shoots are your best option for easy to use, take everywhere, take photos AND videos, plenty of zoom, while still being relatively inexpensive.

Here's the point and shoot that I use, but anything along these lines would be great for what you're looking for!

Canon SX740hs

Again, Sony makes great cameras as well! And Lumix. The only thing I'd say to look out for is make sure you have good OPTICAL zoom. Digital zoom is where it'll start getting pixelated after you zoom too much and it'll start looking like poo.
Also, don't count out GoPro's! Super versatile and you can always get a still from video, or take photos with the GoPro even